The Neighbourwoods Project

Chair: Darlene Pearson

The Centretown NeighbourWoods team was formed in 2021 to promote actions that protect and enhance the urban tree canopy within Centretown and beyond. These efforts will help mitigate local impacts of climate change.

Team volunteers apply a tested citizen science methodology used in other Ottawa communities and elsewhere in Ontario to conduct tree surveys on private residential land, private industrial/commercial land, and public lands. This baseline will help inform future tree stewardship practices and initiatives in Centretown.

At the same time, we attempt to Increase understanding of the value and benefits of trees in our community and advocate for planting more trees to help decrease the heat island effect that is particularly felt in Centretown.

We also liaise with other communities and relevant groups to foster cooperation and collaboration on tree-related issues.

In 2021 we initiated a survey of plantable spots in the western area of Centretown. In spring, 2022 we presented the findings of our tree survey and our plantable spots survey to City staff. Our findings included recommendations for a new approach to evaluate plantable spaces that would take into account the limitations of a densely populated centre city area.

In June 2022, we were successful in obtaining a grant from Ottawa’s Community Environmental Projects Grants Program to purchase additional measuring equipment and to print the flyers we use to announce when we will be working on specific street blocks.

Our volunteers continue to collect tree data and to advocate for the protection and enhancement of our tree canopy with

  • Ongoing tree survey work in Centretown;

  • Outreach to residents on the Trees in Trust program;

  • Identification of plantable spots in Centretown; and

  • Collaboration with other community associations and groups on issues of common concern.

Want to join our efforts? You can reach us at